20 research outputs found

    Towards Robust Neural Networks via Random Self-ensemble

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    Recent studies have revealed the vulnerability of deep neural networks: A small adversarial perturbation that is imperceptible to human can easily make a well-trained deep neural network misclassify. This makes it unsafe to apply neural networks in security-critical applications. In this paper, we propose a new defense algorithm called Random Self-Ensemble (RSE) by combining two important concepts: {\bf randomness} and {\bf ensemble}. To protect a targeted model, RSE adds random noise layers to the neural network to prevent the strong gradient-based attacks, and ensembles the prediction over random noises to stabilize the performance. We show that our algorithm is equivalent to ensemble an infinite number of noisy models fϵf_\epsilon without any additional memory overhead, and the proposed training procedure based on noisy stochastic gradient descent can ensure the ensemble model has a good predictive capability. Our algorithm significantly outperforms previous defense techniques on real data sets. For instance, on CIFAR-10 with VGG network (which has 92\% accuracy without any attack), under the strong C\&W attack within a certain distortion tolerance, the accuracy of unprotected model drops to less than 10\%, the best previous defense technique has 48%48\% accuracy, while our method still has 86%86\% prediction accuracy under the same level of attack. Finally, our method is simple and easy to integrate into any neural network.Comment: ECCV 2018 camera read

    Stochastic Optimization for Non-convex Problem with Inexact Hessian Matrix, Gradient, and Function

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    Trust-region (TR) and adaptive regularization using cubics (ARC) have proven to have some very appealing theoretical properties for non-convex optimization by concurrently computing function value, gradient, and Hessian matrix to obtain the next search direction and the adjusted parameters. Although stochastic approximations help largely reduce the computational cost, it is challenging to theoretically guarantee the convergence rate. In this paper, we explore a family of stochastic TR and ARC methods that can simultaneously provide inexact computations of the Hessian matrix, gradient, and function values. Our algorithms require much fewer propagations overhead per iteration than TR and ARC. We prove that the iteration complexity to achieve ϵ\epsilon-approximate second-order optimality is of the same order as the exact computations demonstrated in previous studies. Additionally, the mild conditions on inexactness can be met by leveraging a random sampling technology in the finite-sum minimization problem. Numerical experiments with a non-convex problem support these findings and demonstrate that, with the same or a similar number of iterations, our algorithms require less computational overhead per iteration than current second-order methods.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1809.0985

    Cluster-GCN: An Efficient Algorithm for Training Deep and Large Graph Convolutional Networks

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    Graph convolutional network (GCN) has been successfully applied to many graph-based applications; however, training a large-scale GCN remains challenging. Current SGD-based algorithms suffer from either a high computational cost that exponentially grows with number of GCN layers, or a large space requirement for keeping the entire graph and the embedding of each node in memory. In this paper, we propose Cluster-GCN, a novel GCN algorithm that is suitable for SGD-based training by exploiting the graph clustering structure. Cluster-GCN works as the following: at each step, it samples a block of nodes that associate with a dense subgraph identified by a graph clustering algorithm, and restricts the neighborhood search within this subgraph. This simple but effective strategy leads to significantly improved memory and computational efficiency while being able to achieve comparable test accuracy with previous algorithms. To test the scalability of our algorithm, we create a new Amazon2M data with 2 million nodes and 61 million edges which is more than 5 times larger than the previous largest publicly available dataset (Reddit). For training a 3-layer GCN on this data, Cluster-GCN is faster than the previous state-of-the-art VR-GCN (1523 seconds vs 1961 seconds) and using much less memory (2.2GB vs 11.2GB). Furthermore, for training 4 layer GCN on this data, our algorithm can finish in around 36 minutes while all the existing GCN training algorithms fail to train due to the out-of-memory issue. Furthermore, Cluster-GCN allows us to train much deeper GCN without much time and memory overhead, which leads to improved prediction accuracy---using a 5-layer Cluster-GCN, we achieve state-of-the-art test F1 score 99.36 on the PPI dataset, while the previous best result was 98.71 by [16]. Our codes are publicly available at https://github.com/google-research/google-research/tree/master/cluster_gcn.Comment: In Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining (KDD'19

    ExpNote: Black-box Large Language Models are Better Task Solvers with Experience Notebook

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    Black-box Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown great power in solving various tasks and are considered general problem solvers. However, LLMs still fail in many specific tasks although understand the task instruction. In this paper, we focus on the problem of boosting the ability of black-box LLMs to solve downstream tasks. We propose ExpNote, an automated framework to help LLMs better adapt to unfamiliar tasks through reflecting and noting experiences from training data and retrieving them from external memory during testing. We evaluate ExpNote on multiple tasks and the experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method significantly improves the performance of black-box LLMs. The data and code are available at https://github.com/forangel2014/ExpNoteComment: EMNLP 2023 finding